Thursday, 12 October 2017

SEED launches “Sashya Sphiti” project in district Nadia with Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

SEED has recently launched a project titled “Sashya Sphiti” under the Corporate Social Responsibility of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (Farm Sector) in district Nadia of West Bengal. The project is intended to increase the production of mustard about 10 percent through scientific farming and sustainable cultivation.

Under this two year project, 400 farmers from Dhubulia Gram Panchayat of Nadia district’s Krishnanagar Block II have been chosen. These farmers have been cultivating mustard in traditional method without any scientific input or technical support. As a result, their yield was not satisfactory while they have been paying a good sum on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. 

These farmers have been distributed the tried and tested variety of seeds “Swarnadhara” for cultivation in their land which is total 400 acres. Agriculture Experts from “Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya” and “Pulse & Research Station, Baharampur”, Agriculture Dept., Govt. of WB, will provide technical support to these farmers. 

The farmers will be given hands on training to lower the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase the oil percentage near to our national average 42%. Now, they are getting much lower than this oil percentage. The farmers will be trained in soil testing, PH calculation and proper preparation of the land before sowing the seeds. They will also be supported with pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer. Our team will train them in preparing bio compost and motivate the farmers using more of it instead of chemical fertilizer.

The new variety of seed is tolerant to pests and diseases and downy mildew. The plants grown from this seed is expected to have high primary and secondary branches within the maturity period of 100 to 110 days. 

The seed distribution of 1.5 kg per farmer has been done on 8th October, 2017 at Dhubulia Gram Panchayat of Krishnanagar. The training by the agriculture experts will follow soon. The trainings will be given in ToT (training of the trainers) mode. The representatives who will attend the first set of training will later provide training to other farmers of their village. Thus, they will become self-sustainable and they can work in a team.